The church of Jesus should be a holy, humble, historic, and hospitable place.  


Christians are set apart by God to glorify him in our words, thoughts, and acts, and this is ultimately accomplished by the saving and cleansing work of Jesus Christ in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Our Sunday worship is Christ-centered. We want to remind ourselves each week of the good news of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins that we have received. Our lives should honor God in response through prayer, fasting, and memorizing his Word to shape our intellectual, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


Christians are humble learners who need the Holy Spirit to make known to us how we are to live rightly in the world. Only God knows all things, even our sinful hearts. We are also dependent upon the Creator of the world for all of our needs, material and spiritual. Christ calls us in our humble stature to serve others in word and deed who need the warmth and light of the gospel. 


We practice an ancient faith in modern times. Our reformed theological heritage is traced from Jerusalem to Algeria, moving northwest to Switzerland and Scotland, before crossing the ocean to the Americas. Our pastors fully submit to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the inerrant Word of God, and subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, as the most faithful and accurate explanation of the Bible's teachings.


The church is a family. We are brothers and sisters in Christ joining together to love and care for one another. As a family, we support those among us who are hurting, and we rejoice with those who are celebrating. If you are visiting, we welcome you with open arms and invite you to consider Lakeview as your family while you are with us. We want everyone to hear and understand how wonderful it is to know God as Father, Jesus as Brother, and the Holy Spirit as Comforter.